Wall Painting at 452 Broadway, india ink and acrylic on plaster wall, 1983-4.
Wall Painting at 452 Broadway (detail), india ink and acrylic on plaster wall, 1983-4.
Installation at 452 Broadway (detail), drawings on ink treated wall, 1983-4.
Fautrice Del Tempo, India ink wash on wall, 13 x 32 ft (396.24 x 975.36 cm), India ink wash on wall, 1993, 55 Ferris St., Brooklyn, NY
Fautrice Del Tempo (detail), india ink wash on wall, 13 x 32 in, india ink wash on wall, 1993, 55 Ferris St., Brooklyn, NY.
Diva, oil, wax, canvas, 1993, 87 x 65 in.
Diva, oil, wax, canvas, 1993, 87 x 65 in, installed at Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, NY, 1996 - 2002.
Fautrice a Casa, acrylic and pigment on plasterboard wall, 13x12.5 ft (396.24 x 381 cm), 1995, Private residence, NY, NY
Fautrice a Casa (detail), acrylic on wall, 1995
Fold Color Replay (detail), acrylic on canvas, 11x30 ft (335.28x914.4 cm), 2001-2, Rosenberg + Kaufman, 30 West 57th St

Fold Color Replay, acrylic on canvas, 11 x 30 ft, 2001-2, Rosenberg + Kaufman, 30 West 57th St
Orangione, acrylic and grommets on canvas, 12.5 x 13 ft, 2008, Galleria Miralli, Palazzo Chigi, Viterbo, Italy.
Corso/ Ricorso installation, 2008, Galleria Miralli, Palazzo Chigi, Viterbo, Italy.
… of the stuttering hand I, 78 x 66in (196 x 165cm), acrylic on canvas, foam rubber, vinyl, stitching, grommets, tape, 2008, Galleria Miralli, Palazzo Chigi, Viterbo, Italy.
Collapse of the stuttering hand, canvas, acrylic, foam, vinyl, tape, stitching, grommets, screws, nylon, cord, step-stool, 81 x 82 x 30in (variable), 2005.
Collapse of the stuttering hand, mixed media, 81 x 82 x 30in (variable), 2005, "Material Sign," group show, Florence Lynch Gallery, NY, NY.
